Act Kind
Working to make the world a better place by helping share and to be thanked for those intentional acts of kindness that
we want to do. Some people call these random acts of kindness
or small gestures
, but these acts can have an impact
and they can be infectious. The goal of this project is to try to give people a place to share these acts with others. I
believe that when you can see the kind acts of others, you may be inspired to take a moment and be intentionally kind to
someone, a person you know, or a person you see who could use a lift up, or someone you may never see.
Increasingly as we open those Social Feeds that are more and more the drivers of our world view, we are faced with the darker side of our fellow humans. We are more prone to complain then to compliment, to see people being torn down, rather then lifting them up. We want to have a place with a different goal, with a different impact on you and that area around you where you live.
There are sites/application like Strava, RunKeeper, Nike Run Club that have had an impact on the way that people exercise and share their efforts to make themselves healthier, fitter, and part of a community of people trying to do the same. By sharing we find ourselves more accountable to an outside audience, when our followers give us Likes or thanks we find ourselves inspired to work harder, to go faster, to feel that validation again. On Facebook, Instagram or Twitter how many of us feel that bit of pride when a post/photo is liked, is shared. So can we take that same dynamic to acting in the real world and inspire ourselves to do more, to make a change?
There is research that shows when we are recognized for the things we do, we are more likely to do those things again, we are creatures of validation and seek recognition. Of course there are those special people around us who do great things without thought or even noticing the praise of other.
We do believe that these simple acts can spread, it is small acts that can feed upon themselves. When we are recognized for a little act that we did we may find it easier and more likely that we will do something like it again. When we see the small acts that others do, we may see a way to act kind that we may not even of thought of. Inspiration and motivation can spread.
We also believe that when you are more intentional about these small acts that not only will you make the lives of others better but you will also be a happier and hopefully healthier self. Perhaps you will just see a small act done by a stranger and have a place to share it, to let others know that the world has moments of intentional kindness.
Down the road you may even receive an act of kindness from a stranger, that your acts will pay forward and that chain of kindness may connect full circle.
We invite you to join this community because we think that anyone can make a change. There are so many small ways we already can make the world around us a better place, and ways we don't even know that others are making our world better for those of us lining in it.
We invite you to share your intentional acts, either anonymously, with only your friends and followers
or with the
world at large.
The goal is to build a kind community that helps to spread ripples of kindness out into the world. Where those ripples join to magnify and encourage others.
We are working to build a community of people who both do acts of kindness but also those who recognize those acts done by others. We will continue to strive toward a community that is working toward this goal. We will work to make this a welcoming community for all those that share these ideas and goals. Please see the Terms of Service and our Community Guidelines for more information about our terms and how we plan to evolve to support and advance these goals for our service.